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Published on Feb 4, 2013

Running Time: 43:33

This is one of the most awesome, thorough & factual history lessons I've ever heard. If this was the first time I heard some of this information, I could honestly say, this video encapsulated more truthful information than someone could learn throughout all of high school, college and four years in an ivy league university combined, and all in under an hour! My commendation to it's creators; and my recommendation to all to watch this; it really is worth your time.


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Published on July 15, 2013

Running Time : 6:56

Second speech by 13 year old Victoria Grant on the issue of corruption within the banking system. She argues it is a cause of extreme poverty.How To Support PBI Programs


Published on May 8, 2014

Running Time: 1:30

Interview with Peter Schiff for Freedom From Choice feature documentary. Mr. Schiff discusses the coming economic crisis due to banks being bailed out during the financial crisis of 2008.

Published on: February 11, 2014

Running Time: 12:33

At the heart of the European debt crisis is the euro, the currency that tied together 18 countries in an intimate manner. So when one country teeters on the brink of financial collapse, the entire continent is at risk. How did such a flawed system come to be? Bloomberg Television and Jonathan Jarvis present "The European Debt Crisis Visualized." (Source: Bloomberg)

Published on Aug 31, 2013

Running Time: 39:30

A senior executive blows the whistle on the banking industry's usurious lending tactics. This documentary reviews some of the profligate and predatory lending practices of the high street banks in the years of the credit boom which preceded the financial crisis. Indeed this documentary is in a sense chilling given what happened during the global financial crisis; i.e. super easy credit, high pressure to make money, huge incentives for banks to lend easy money.

Published on Mar 3, 2013

Running Time: 47:08

The first in a three part series that gives a thorough explanation of how the global money system operates.

Published on Mar 3, 2013

Running Time: 1:16:46

The second installment of a thorough three part series on the topic of the banking system and the creation of money.


Published on March 3, 2013

Running Time: 1:02:01

The final installment of this 3 part series on the banking system and it's manner of fiat currency creation.




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