Please select the category of videos you're interested in to go to that particular library.
Below are some respected individuals who we feel are extremely knowledgable on investments and current market trends, and who are of the same mind as we are at FTX in regards to the economic and political state the world is in today. Additionally, they give sound advice on how to maneuver to not only protect one's assets, but also to prosper in the event of an economic upheaval or catastrophy.



Real Estate

Recommended Speakers
Simon Black
Mike Maloney

Chris Martenson

Digital Currency
Here is a selection of some highly informative & educational series that cover many aspects of why things are the way they are in the world today, and how to best navigate your life and your finances for maintaining your wealth and protecting your future. In these videos you will learn things that aren't even touched upon in finance and business courses in even the most prestigious of universities.
Highly Recommended Video Series
Sovereign Man
The Crash Course Series

Contributing Factors
Following are categories related to some of the primary entities that have an effect on your life, many times detrimentally. The videos in each will help you to follow along and confirm some of the key concepts covered in some of the teachings of the aforementioned studies. It is the hope of the team at FTX, that you get the most out of this information to help you make informed decisions concerning the investment of your finances & resources, and help you make the best possible choices to steer you through these times of great uncertainty to come out ahead with a prosperous future.

Wall Street
The U.S. Government
The Banking System
Hidden Secrets: Money