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Interested in the silver market? Here is a selection of videos that can assist you in learning more about investing in this precious metal.

Videos  |  Silver

You Are 100% Right About Silver!

Published on Oct 5, 2014

Running Time: 34:15 min

As the Wealth Watchman notes, despite the cartel's paper games, Silver & Gold demand has EXPLODED and Western demand is back with a vengeance judging by the past week of Silver Eagle sales from the US Mint: The big players, the smartest guys in the room were busy buying nearly 24 tonnes of silver from the U.S. Mint! So the cartel can slaughter the paper silver market, but they do so at their own peril as the inverse reaction to their criminality is a RUN ON PHYSICAL precious metals.

Why Silver And NOT Gold

Published on Apr 8, 2013

Running Time: 11:45 min

Silver is the every person's gold. Investors all around the world are worried about the weakening US dollar and already imagine a day when the world's reserve currency will be worthless. Throughout history, whenever the value of fiat currencies became unreliable, governments and citizens turned to the stability of precious metals to transact day-to-day business. But gold's high value-to-weight makes it impractical for daily transactions. Silver, on the other hand, is a very convenient medium of exchange.

Survive The Financial Crisis Crash | Buy Vat-free / Tax-free silver

Published on Aug 14, 2013

Running Time: 41:13 min

This video gives you an understanding these topics:
- Bail-in: All EU & US bank depositors will have to cover their failings banks
- Pensions and savings: Are your money safe?
- Why are we so much in debt?
- The origin of our banking system
- Paper currency vs Real Money - Silver & Gold
- Why silver and gold is insurance in the coming collapse
- Why silver has the most upside potential


Published on Oct 15, 2014

Running Time: 2:30 min

"It looks like the end game is possibly starting," says MilesFranklin's Andy Hoffman. "Bond yields around the world have now hit an average an all-time low. The most damning proof yet of QE failure is out there for the world to see. I don't think anyone is left that's actually saying "recovery" any more because it's obvious, you're seeing crashing commodities, crashing currencies, crashing bond yields, now crashing stock prices... the whole propaganda game is broken... The powers that be are LOSING CONTROL OF PAPER MARKETS." 

Should I Buy Silver Or Gold? - Robert Kiyosaki On Silver vs Gold

Published on: November 1, 2011

Running Time: 4:02 min

Robert Kiyosaki tells it how it is, regarding The Fed, Goldman Sachs, and why silver is one of the hottest commodities to get involved in. 

Fake Silver & Gold & How To Avoid Them Mike Maloney & James Anderson

Published on Apr 30, 2013

Running Time: 16:11 min

This Special Report on the growing threat of fake silver and counterfeit gold products will arm you with solutions on how to best avoid being ripped off by the sellers of phony gold & silver bullion products.

Boom! Silver Eagle Sales!

Published on Nov 12, 2014

Running Time: 4:55 min

Silver is undervalued relative to gold. Back when paper currencies were actually backed by precious metals, the historic ratio of the value of an ounce of silver to an ounce of gold was about 16:1. Recently, that ratio has stood around 61:1. Given today's gold prices, if silver were to realign with its historic ratio, it would be worth over $60/oz! If you think gold has yet to find its ceiling, there is good reason to believe silver's rally will be even more dramatic.


Top 14 Reasons To Buy Silver Part 1

Published on Sep 5, 2012

Running Time: 13:08 min

A rational reasoning of why to invest in silver as a way to lock in wealth. Western media and politicians would have you believe that the financial crisis is going away, but are at the same time concealing the real economic data, showing that real national debt loads, unemployment and inflation is far higher than reported. The stock market is topping, the housing market is declining and the banks will be saved by your deposit - even if under 100.000 Euro / Dollars.
Meantime the national banks, big investment banks are rapidly buying all the silver and gold they can in preparation for a collapsing debt based fiat currency system.




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