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The Crash Course Series

Thanks for visiting FTX's Link Library for Chris Martenson's Crash Course video series. Watching and understanding these short, easy to follow videos is an excellent way to further your education on finance and investing, and give you a more thorough understanding of how the world money system really operates, without all the subterfuge put forth by the banking and finance industry in its attempt to obfuscate what is really going on.


The series has provided millions of viewers with the context for the massive changes now underway, as economic growth as we've known it is ending due to depleting resources, but it also offers real hope. Those individuals who take informed action today, while we still have time, can lower their exposure to these coming trends -- and even discover a better way of life in the process. We'll show you how.

Crash Course Chapter 1  |  The Three Beliefs

Welcome to Chapter 1 of the Crash Course. It’s very important to distinguish between facts, opinions, and beliefs.  I will be crystal clear when I am presenting facts, stating an opinion, or communicating a belief.

Crash Course Chapter 2 |  The Three E's

So, what do I mean when I say “massive change is upon us”?  Well, here’s where we need to burrow into the three “E”s, which is where we’ll spend the rest of our time in The Crash Course.

Crash Course Chapter 14  |  Assets & Liabilities

With the US' tremendous and exponentially-increasing debt, this chapter looks at the shocking shortfall between our nation's assets and its liabilities. Find out how this affects you.

Crash Course Chapter 15  |  Demographics

Age distribution is too lopsided to support entitlements.

Crash Course Chapter 3 |  Exponential Growth

In the Crash Course we will learn a few foundational Key Concepts. None are more important than exponential growth. Understanding exponential growth will greatly enhance our odds of creating a better future.

Crash Course Chapter 4  |  Compounding is the Problem

The purpose of this chapter is to help familiarize you with the power of compounding and how it can affect you both positively and negatively.

Crash Course Chapter 5  |  Growth vs. Prosperity

On this 2nd key concept, I’m going to get a little backup from a 19th-century philosopher's quote, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident".

Crash Course Chapter 6  |  What is Money?

Before we begin our tour through the Economy, the Environment, and Energy, we need to share a common understanding of this thing called money.

Crash Course Chapter 7  |  Money Creation : Banks

In this video, we will explore the process by which money is created.

Crash Course Chapter 8  |  Money Creation : The Fed

This video gives a thorough understanding of how the Federal reserve creates money through the use of debt instruments via the U.S.Government.

Crash Course Chapter 9  |  A Brief History of US Money

This short video gives you an extremely short & condensed lesson in understanding how the U.S. money system got to where it is today. Even if you have a solid understanding, it is an excellent refresher.

Crash Course Chapter 10  |  Quantitative Easing (QE)

At the exponential pace that the Fed is increasing the money supply, and knowing the huge challenges world central banks face in trying to stop or slow down their money printing, the potential for a disruptive global inflationary period is very real.

Crash Course Chapter 11  |  Inflation

For close to 300 years, inflation in the US remained very subdued. Small spurts occurred around major wars, but after each, inflation quickly trended back down to its long-term baseline.

Crash Course Chapter 12  |  How Much is a Trillion?

One trillion is a big number. In this short video, we try to help you get a sense for just how big; but the reality is simply that the human brain can't really suitably comprehend magnitudes this large.

Crash Course Chapter 13  |  Debt

The fundamental failing of today's global economy can be summarized simply: Too Much Debt. We have taken too much of it on, too fast, in too many markets around the world, to have any hope of making good on it. Not only does the math not work out, but also on a moral level, we are placing a tremendous obligation on future generations that will unfairly limit the prosperity they can enjoy tomorrow in order to finance our consumption today.

Crash Course Chapter 20  |  Peak Cheap Oil

Energy is the lifeblood of any economy. But when an economy is based on an exponential debt-based money system and that is based on exponentially increasing energy supplies, the supply of that energy therefore deserves our very highest attention.

Crash Course Chapter 19  |  Energy Economics

Our global economy depends on continual growth to function. And not just any kind of growth; but exponential growth.

But in order to grow, it must receive an ever-increasing supply of affordable energy & resources from the natural world. 

Crash Course Chapter 18  |  Fuzzy Numbers

What if it turned out that our individual, corporate and government decision-making was based on misleading, if not provably false, data? Well, that's exactly the what the case is today, with key economic indicators.

Crash Course Chapter 17  |  Understanding Asset Bubbles

The bursting of asset bubbles has nearly always been traumatic. Social, political & economic upheavals have a bad habit of following asset bubbles & wealth destruction is a guaranteed feature.

Crash Course Chapter 16 |  A Natl. Failure to Save & Invest

As detailed in earlier chapters, the US' debts and unfunded liabilities far exceed its assets. But making matters worse, the country is suffering from a prolonged failure to save and invest (both at the personal and national level).

Crash Course Chapter 21  |  Shale Oil

You may be wondering how any of that could be still be true given all the positive recent stories about shale oil and shale gas, many of which have proclaimed that “Peak Oil is dead”.

Crash Course Chapter 22  |  Energy & The Economy

This video is not yet available.

Crash Course Chapter 23  |  
The Environment : Depleting Resources

This video is not yet available.

Crash Course Chapter 24  |  

The Environment : Increasing Waste

This video is not yet available.

Crash Course Chapter 25  |  Future Shock

This video is not yet available.

Crash Course Chapter 26  |  What Should I Do?

This video is not yet available.

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