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Interested in the gold market? Here is a selection of videos that can assist you in learning more about investing in this precious metal.

Videos  |  Gold

Running Time: 4:04 min

Gold should be an important part of a diversified investment portfolio, because its price increases in response to events that cause the value of fiat paper investments, such as currencies, stocks and bonds, to decline. Although the price of gold can be volatile in the short term, it has always maintained its value in the long run.


Running Time: 8:13 min

Basic guide for the beginner on how to invest in physical gold.

Running Time: 1:21:28

Everything you need to know about investing in precious metals. Mike Maloney is a world expert on monetary history, monetary systems and also wrote the world's best selling book on gold and silver. 

Running Time: 3:43 min

Financial advisor Ric Edelman provides his top tips for investing in gold.

Running Time: 18:03 min

When investing in gold or silver, avoid the scammers pushing you towards numismatics. These cost more money, hold confusing quantities of metal, and are less liquid as an asset. Please listen to what I am try to say in the video as I attempt to explain why I believe this way.

Running Time: 27:52 min

Covering International headlines to come up with gold investment reasons and strategies. Very interesting and informative; at the very least a good place to get a different perspective on gold.

Running Time: 13:15 min

Gold took about a $400 beat down this year. Oh well. It happens right? for me it is just looking like a good BUY time. While everyone runs towards stocks and bonds and paper, we'll sit tight and wait this game out. The casino of Wall Street is just waiting on all the SUCKERS to take their money once again. Looking forward to 2014 and what it may bring.

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